The Lifestyle is a Long Lesson in Humility

There are realizations that occur in moments in life that are impactful far beyond their immediate results. Our conscience and inner self is shaped continually by how we interact with everyone we come in contact with. The lifestyle is no exception. First of all, note that there is a difference between confidence and cocky. Comparing these two qualities is like comparing a flower and a weed, one is desired and the other is shot with weed-repellant.

We all have seen that person that can only build themselves up by breaking everyone else down. The one that feels their shit don’t stink or no one can match them. Sometimes physically and sometimes intellectually, for some it may even be financially. The ugly truth is humility is a lesson taught well when you are by yourself and not in the circle of fun. If someone feels they are better than everyone else or anyone else, the lifestyle has a way to teach a tough lesson in being humble. You will drain others of their positive energy and not replenish. Your inner circle will remain small and the fun you see around you will never make its way to your seat. As we meet people with beautiful outward appearances, quickly the eraser of the mind will wipe away the facade. You will see them for who they are and quickly remove yourself.

By contrast, confidence is beautiful, no matter the person and no matter the physical makeup of the person wearing it. When a confidant person walks into a room, the energy lifts and is shared with the crowd. Building confidence in the lifestyle can be challenging for some based on their personal qualities and personality. Your typical outfit for a swinger event does not match your 9-5 workplace attire so gearing up for walking out and strutting your stuff is not something most do everyday.

How can I build confidence in the lifestyle, you may ask? Reflect on the many positive and beautiful things around you and your life. Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, put on that outfit that you only dreamed of. Know that you are presenting the best version of yourself and if internally you want to adjust anything, take steps to do what will make you get there. If you are new to the lifestyle or plan on visiting some amazing resort, you will see all types of people once you arrive. Beauty is not defined a singular entity or vision and the variety in peoples’ physical appearance enhance the scenes of pleasure. Those who are close to you play a part so surround yourself with people who make you feel like you’re basking in sunlight. Additionally, do not be afraid to lend a compliment out yourself to other people around you. Sharing positive energy and power to other women and men is a real confidence booster and a wonderful way to get to know others in the lifestyle. Of course, we all have to examine what we can do to build confidence, some may need to discuss their feelings with a qualified dr for clinical solutions while others may find a more non-traditional approach. In any case, the lifestyle keeps its beauty when we accept and disseminate positive energy to those around us.


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